Sometimes it’s the little things that can really help to turn things around. While there are many things that may be outside of your control, sometimes all it takes is one person choosing to focus on creating positive change to really get the momentum going
A few ideas on how to boost morale:
1. Start a Newsletter: Organize a unit-based newsletter to recognize your peers. Maybe start with one person on each shift and highlight something unique about them that really makes them shine. Recognize a staff member who has contributed in some way to the community. Focus on a great team player – even someone from another department to show how their role is crucial to the care of your patients. Tell about a nurse who went above and beyond to make a family member feel welcome during a difficult time. Share a great experience one of the new grads had during orientation. Tell about a peer who spoke up to ensure their patient had the best possible care, or who prevented a potential error. There are always positive stories out there – it just takes some initiative and time to find and bring it to others attention. Highlight a different person each issue so everyone has something to look forward to and even strive for!
2. Staff Recognition Board: Post quick notes of appreciation for your peers on a board for all to see. Post articles or pictures of staff who were recently recognized in the media. Jot quick thank–you notes for a PCT or Unit Clerk who really helped you out on a crazy day. Talk with your manager – maybe you could post the board where families could also leave notes or appreciate the recognition board. They could contribute to it or just feel a sense of comfort knowing one of the great nurses honored on that board is taking care of their loved one.
3. Show Your Appreciation: Send a quick email or write a note of thanks to someone who has gone the extra mile to help you or another RN in a tough situation. There are plenty of days when we all feel too busy to even survive much less help someone else out, so be sure to show your appreciation when someone does help you out! Telling them thank you is one thing, but having it in writing means so much more. They can always look back at it for encouragement when having a bad day, or when they personally need a reminder of how much their efforts mean to others. Often in our “busyness” we forget to thank those who have helped make our day just a little more tolerable. :)
4. Think Outside the Box: Get creative. Come up with your own ideas of how to boost morale. Maybe you’re good at making others laugh – so keep it light-hearted at work. Nominate a friend for best “code-brown” survivor. Post a funny doctor’s order or note on the bathroom door (no patient names of course). Organize a unit-outing or movie night. Celebrate with a pot-luck meal. Bring in make-your-own-sundaes toppings. It’s truly the little things that start to add up and slowly change an atmosphere from one of negativity to a more positive environment - where everyone wants to be and can enjoy the challenges of giving our all to care for those who need us most.
July 19th, 2008 at 2:51 pm
Organize a unit-based newsletter to recognize your peers. Maybe start with one person on each shift and highlight something unique about them that really makes them shine. Recognize a staff member who has contributed in some way to the community. Focus on a great team player – even someone from another department to show how their role is crucial to the care of your patients.