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Convictions of negligent homicde and shoplifting both misdemeanors

I have been searching for any advice. I see my lawyer this coming Tuesday. He is a student through local college university. First off, negligent homicde misdemeanor is a very touchy topic for me. I pleaded no contest. The conciquence was one year unsupervised probation. I followed that direction. Mind you I have never committed of A crime in my life. I have suffer greatly and I'm still having issues with this. I'm Mentally and physically exhausted. after that day in 2010. I never forget the dateless event. My school dean already notorized my app along with my statement. and signed my app after the accident my application for boards on that charge. She was so very helpful with my schooling and also the faculty. I was still a student at the time.
The second charge shoplifting. I was stupid and not myself. I don't know why I did it. I had the money and more. Under 30$ Of merchandise at grocery store.

When I talked to my lawyer last on the phone he said I may not get my embarrassing shoplifting charge expunge bc of my negligent homicde charge.
I messed up and I wasn't Inthe strait head set at that time during my poor behavior.

Anyway, I live in West Virginia. I haven't found specific info to ease my anxiety in my situation. Just would like someone of answer good or bad.

I worked in a magnet trauma hospital for 6 years as a nurses assistant. Before my accident.
Being a nursing assistant was a rewarding job even thought it was hard at times. I loved that and I looked up to the nurses. I really believed that nursing was my calling. I don't want to give up. It also I don't want to give up the pleasure I had working as an aid or as a nurse during clinicals. I had a family with coworker and fellow student.
I would just like some help and support.

I have heard some more worst scenarios. I do not feel sorry for myself. Just really mad about the bad decisions I have made in the past. I feel I have no future. If I cannot have the career that I am passionate about.

Someone have any advice or knowledge for me?
Another thing. I graduated August 2011. I procrastinated. I should have applied and taken the boards then. But that is another story.

Has anyone else been in this situation? Not negligent homicde but shoplifting?
I' was in school for 6 years to gain my college degree for BSN. I don't want to give up.

If you have positive answers or negative please share. It you have any can guide me to some resources I greatly appreciate them. advice as to which I should submit to help my chances to get approved.


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