Posts Tagged ‘Spirituality’
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 2/16/09
A couple of months ago I wrote a post called "Spiritually Caring for your Patient." I told you about my belief in the power of prayer and how I often pray for my patients, whether they know it or not. Well, I saw a story recently that has given me pause.
There is currently a case in England where a home health care nurse offered to [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 12/2/08
The patient who had just had a D&C after a miscarriage. The little girl dying after a failed liver transplant. The man headed to surgery for a colon resection to treat his cancer. The wife whose husband just died. The father who called to tell us his daughter had just been diagnosed with cancer.
These are all people who [...]
Handling Stress
A new nurse self-care survey can help you identify your blind-spots.
Related: Addiction, Anxiety, Balance, Caregivers, Caring, Compassion Fatigue, Energy, Healthy Living, Motivation, Nurse Support, Spirituality, Stress, Time
“Take care of yourself!” - Wouldn’t it be nice if your job description included this directive?
Unfortunately, nurses, who pour themselves into caring for others, are notorious for self-neglect. There’s no one around to make sure you make “you” a priority.
It’s a conundrum—you know you ought to take better care of yourself, but you don’t. Maybe you’re too tired to care. Maybe you don’t know [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 11/27/07
I was sitting with my daughter at Mayo Clinic, a large medical complex in Rochester, Minnesota, and considered to be one of the leading medical research institutions in North America. It's the place to be if you've exhausted all other options.
While waiting for our next appointment, we grabbed lunch at a cafe. A friend back home had told me that a mutual acquaintance would [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 11/20/07
When I was a little girl, I always was attracted to the "injury of the day" on the playground. The more traumatic, the better. It didn't have to be bloody, it just had to be dramatic. I was literally drawn to the banged-up child, crying on the blacktop. I couldn't stay away.
Even as a child, I had the heart of a [...]
Handling Stress
How nurses can stay positive and focused in high stress environments.
Tony Schwartz, founder and president of The Energy Project (, an organization currently launching a project to improve the nursing work environment, and co-author of The Power of Full Engagement, says that nurses are by nature better at caring about others than they are at caring for themselves.
Isn’t it time to start caring about your own health? In this exclusive RealityRN interview, Schwartz discusses how [...]
Reality Unscripted
It comes in all shapes and sizes. It comes when things are going well or when we're already struggling. It comes when we're young and when we're old. It comes. Then it comes again.
Stress is universal, but have you noticed how differently we all handle it? Headaches, stomach aches, even humor. This is on my mind because of the [...]
Handling Stress
How to replenish your energy for work.
By Mary Jo Barrett
Related: Addiction, Anxiety, Balance, Caregivers, Compassion Fatigue, Drug Addiction, Energy, Healthy Living, Mindset, Prioritizing, Spirituality, Stress, Support
Extreme tiredness, negative feelings, weight gain, and marital problems.
One moment, Kayla thought she was depressed and that medication would help. Another moment, she thought her husband was the problem and that she should quit her marriage.
But Kayla wasn’t depressed. She suffered from something that affects many professional caregivers.
In recent years, Mary Jo Barrett, author and social worker from the Center for Contextual Change, in Elmhurst, [...]