Posts Tagged ‘Prioritizing’
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 5/18/09
Do you ever feel overwhelmed?
Like you're trying to move forward with something but you're walking through deep, thick mud. You have some task in front of you (like writing a blog post) and you just can't seem to get it done.
I'm just coming out of a period of time where my whole life felt that way. I couldn't seem to keep my house clean, couldn't [...]
Seasoned with Sage
As Doctor Pru stood there reading the file her mouth turned down into a frown.
"Who triaged this patient?" She called out across the room to anyone who would pay her attention. Everyone ignored her except me. I knew whose file she had and I knew she'd make a fuss, not because there was a problem, but because she loved to pick faults and seemed to [...]
Seasoned with Sage
Sticking out that first job as a new nurse even when you feel like quitting can be one of the biggest challenges you’ll ever face.
As a new nurse grad you’re pumped up and ready to change the world. You’ve learned all about treating the whole patient; he’s a person not a room number or medical ID number; her family affects his condition, and her care [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 1/8/08
I had a birthday a few days ago. My children tell me I'm old. So does my drivers license.
They say that with age comes wisdom. I think they're right, but not because you naturally get smarter. You just have more opportunities to hang out with smart people.
I encountered one of those smart people at a conference 5 years ago. [...]
Interacting With Patients
It’s not quantity, it’s quality.
Interview with Donna Cardillo, RN, MA, author of "Your First Year as a Nurse"
Related: Balance, Caregivers, Caring, Charting, Expectations, Mindset, Morale, New Grad, New Nurse, New Nurse Tips, Organizational Skills, Patient Advocate, Patients, Prioritizing, Professionalism
As a new nurse, your goal is to make a difference. You want to heal people. You want to engage with patients, communicating to them your professionalism and that you care. But countless tasks and a steep learning curve may prevent you from the patient interaction you were expecting. According to Donna Cardillo, considered to be the “guru of career development” for new nurses, this [...]
Handling Stress
How nurses can get beyond the goof-up.
By Donna Cardillo, RN, MA
Nurses are human—we all make mistakes. But knowing how to deal with mistakes is what will make you a better nurse. Despite what your fears tell you, it is possible to live through, and benefit from, a mistake. Here’s how:
Avoid mistakes in the first place.
This is a statement of the obvious, but it’s better to avoid mistakes than to learn how to deal with them. [...]
Interacting With Patients
How to find the right balance.
By Melissa Parks
Related: Balance, Caregivers, Caring, Charting, Communication, Delegation, Expectations, New Nurse, New Nurse Tips, Patient Advocate, Patients, Prioritizing, Teamwork
Reports, charting, administering drugs, assessments, tidying up, more charting, and more reports—and no meaningful interaction with the patient.
Suzanna’s first year was a nightmare.
Suzanna, a new nurse on a pediatric ward, didn’t like having to live by the laundry list of to-dos. She was most fulfilled spending time with patients, making sure both their emotional and physical needs were met.
The bottom line: You can’t be a [...]
Interacting With Patients
An interview with Kathy Quan, RN, BSN, PHN, on managing patients’ families.
Related: Boundaries, Caregivers, Caring, Communication, Compassion, Confidentiality, Doctor-Nurse Relationships, New Nurse Tips, Patient Advocate, Patients, Prioritizing
“I don’t think we should continue heroic measures.”
“I want a third opinion!”
“That’s not the way the last nurse did it.”
“My sister needs more water, more pain medication, and clean sheets…now!”
“How long does my son have to live?”
Questions. Capricious emotions. Absurd demands. More questions. And plain cold criticism. Often serving families of patients is more taxing than treating the patients. Kathy Quan, a veteran nurse [...]
Handling Stress
How to replenish your energy for work.
By Mary Jo Barrett
Related: Addiction, Anxiety, Balance, Caregivers, Compassion Fatigue, Drug Addiction, Energy, Healthy Living, Mindset, Prioritizing, Spirituality, Stress, Support
Extreme tiredness, negative feelings, weight gain, and marital problems.
One moment, Kayla thought she was depressed and that medication would help. Another moment, she thought her husband was the problem and that she should quit her marriage.
But Kayla wasn’t depressed. She suffered from something that affects many professional caregivers.
In recent years, Mary Jo Barrett, author and social worker from the Center for Contextual Change, in Elmhurst, [...]
Managing Your Career
Every new nurse should have one.
by Dr. Cece Gatson Grindel
“Find a mentor” is a phrase verging on cliché. But it became a call-to-arms because it worked. If you are a new nurse, a mentor relationship can work for you—to answer your questions, guide you through conflict, or discuss your next career move.
RealityRN senior advisory board member and nursing professor Cecelia Gatson Grindel, PhD, RN, CMSRN, FAAN, talks straight about the benefits of a mentor, [...]