Posts Tagged ‘Doctor-Nurse Relationships’
Reality Unscripted
I hate conflict! Doesn't matter who it's with or what the reason is, I just hate it. It makes me uncomfortable and leaves me feeling agitated. I tend to be more of a "flight" than "fight" kind of gal.
The thing is, conflict is a part of life. So we all have to learn how to deal with it. It happens at home, at work, even [...]
Visitor Topics
I work in an ER and am in constant contact with other nurses, and doctors. since i began approx.
One year ago as a new nurse graduate, I have experienced some uncomfortable remarks, touching and things of that nature that has caused a lot of concern from an emergency room doctor. Since i did not respond to the remarks and did not give this person more [...]
Reality Unscripted
Nurse Jackie.
Love her or hate her, she certainly has generated some strong comments from our readers. The general consensus was that the TV show, which depicts the life of a nurse, is unrealistic. Some find it offensive, some find it funny.
We could argue the rights and wrongs of this particular show for days, but here's what I would like to know. How would a good [...]
Rookie Wit & Wisdom
Joanna, BSN Student, 2/13/09
Related: Anger, Assertiveness, Attitude, Communication, Complaints, Doctor-Nurse Relationships, Doctors, Emotions, Expectations, Feedback, Feelings, Hostility, Non-Verbal Language, Respect, Student Nurse, Support
I am a 4th-year BSN student , and part of our OB clinical experience was to follow an OB/GYN last week. It was a horrible experience.
First, I was put in a room with 3rd-year med students, which was great because I introduced myself and got to chat with them about their program.
Then I waited over an hour for someone to acknowledge me. (I was escorted [...]
Seasoned with Sage
As Doctor Pru stood there reading the file her mouth turned down into a frown.
"Who triaged this patient?" She called out across the room to anyone who would pay her attention. Everyone ignored her except me. I knew whose file she had and I knew she'd make a fuss, not because there was a problem, but because she loved to pick faults and seemed to [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 11/05/08
We've shared our most embarrassing moments in nursing. We've shared our funniest nursing stories. Now it's time we turn the tables on the docs.
Though usually professional, respectful, and brilliant, even our highly esteemed doctors occasionally misstep. It's only fair we take a little time to share their stories. Here's my favorite.
One Tuesday morning this summer, a patient came into the clinic [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 9/10/08
In the gazillion years I've been a nurse, I'm happy to report that I've learned a lot. Some from nursing school. Some from other nurses. Some from study. Some from patients.
And hard as it may be for you to hear, lots has been from my docs.
I call them "my docs" because I've spent most of my career in a family practice [...]
Rookie Wit & Wisdom
Anonymous, 6-09-08
I am an RN studying to be a Physician Assistant. I have been training in the medical model for PA school after my nursing school education. I’ve essentially sat in on the training of both MDs and RNs and can tell you stereotypes are ingrained on both sides.
Doctors are groomed to expect to have nurses “bugging” them for orders, calling them with useless and non-important [...]
Seasoned with Sage
By Male Nurse Magazine's Jerry Lucas, RN, Guest Blogger, 5/15/08
From my observations, men below the age of 25 are reluctant to enter the field of nursing. The trend remains that more men between the ages 25 and 30, who have been working in other fields, are filling the ranks.
Unfortunately, male nurses entering the field have to deal with the press' portrayal of them - that all male nurses want is a "free show." But, [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana, RN
Yesterday the doctor I work for was fuming. He was ticked that I messed up his schedule by adding a patient. After he snipped at me, he stormed off to see the patient, who had a bad leg infection.
The patient evaluation softened the doctor's mood. The guy obviously needed to be seen--and we finished the day right on time.
Apologetic and sheepish, the doc seemed to [...]