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Posts Tagged ‘Expectations’
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Reality Unscripted

I've done a lot of talking over the past couple of years about finding the job that's right for you.  In the nursing profession, there are so many types of jobs in a variety of places, that you don't have to settle for a work environment that you don't love.  Until now.

I confess: I've kind of done a 180 in the area of job satisfaction, [...]
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Visitor Topics

I was once told by a classmate that RN's can be held legally responsible if you come upon a car accident or any other accident, and do not use your skills to help out, and harm comes to that person if our help wasn't offered. Sort of like failure to render aid.

Is this true? We came upon a car accident the other day, [...]
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Reality Unscripted

Rooming patients, giving injections, charting, answering the phone, taking messages.  These are all listed in my job description with a whole list of other normal office nursing kinds of things. 

Not listed, but also expected: picking up paperclips from the floor, trying to keep my piles neat, and telling someone when the Kleenex are running low.  And really, truth be told, I probably spend as [...]
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Managing Your Career

You may just be embarking on your nursing career but have your sights set on travel nursing. You'll be able to see the world, get great benefits, and hone your problem solving and clinical skills.

But there's a catch: you'll need two years experience first. Here Jeff Long,  marketing manager of Medical Solutions, a staffing company that places nurses in travel nursing jobs, talks about what [...]
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Reality Unscripted

Is it just me, or is anyone else suffering from Spring Fever?

It's driving me crazy.  I long for sunshine and warmer days.  I dream of flowering trees and green grass.  I wouldn't even mind my normal Spring allergies kicking in--as long as it meant the seasons were changing.

It happens to me every year.  I start longing for a change.  Mostly of scenery.  I need a [...]
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Reality Unscripted

You've worked hard.  Stayed up night after night studying.  Suffered through exhausting clinicals.  Missed out on time with friends and family.  Shoved thousands of facts into a weary brain.  Now all you want is to put all your new-found knowledge to work.  Get out there into the workplace and do your thing.  You're confident.  You're prepared.  You're ready.

You start pounding the pavement.  Sending out resumes.  [...]
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Rookie Wit & Wisdom

I have been a nurse for nine months and work in a busy ER outside of Washington DC. I often find myself dealing with "Frequent Flyers" and people who misuse the emergency system (i.e., I'm fairly certain the rash you've had for six months did not just today become an emergency).

I am really struggling with how to deal with some of these difficult patients. I [...]
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Rookie Wit & Wisdom

I am a 4th-year BSN student , and part of our OB clinical experience was to follow an OB/GYN last week.  It was a horrible experience.

First, I was put in a room with 3rd-year med students, which was great because I introduced myself and got to chat with them about their program.

Then I waited over an hour for someone to acknowledge me.  (I was escorted [...]
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Reality Unscripted

Have you taken a job that sounded perfect only to find out you were sadly mistaken?

I have often talked about how much I love my job.  I work in a family practice office and have worked there for nine years.  I love the staff and the docs.  I love (most of) the patients.  In fact, even the patients I don't like that much I have [...]
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Managing Your Career

There’s desperation in the nursing industry. But who’s desperate?

Hospitals or new nurses?

A recent headline touted “Nursing Industry Desperate to Find New Hires” (AP, 1-05-09). According to the news report, nurse recruiters are so frantic to fill the gaping job vacancies they are bribing nurses with lavish giveaways: champagne parties, one-year vehicle leases, vacation getaways, gas cards, TVs, GPS devices, and shopping sprees.

Imagine landing the job [...]
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