Posts Tagged ‘Respect’
Reality Unscripted
Nurse Jackie.
Love her or hate her, she certainly has generated some strong comments from our readers. The general consensus was that the TV show, which depicts the life of a nurse, is unrealistic. Some find it offensive, some find it funny.
We could argue the rights and wrongs of this particular show for days, but here's what I would like to know. How would a good [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 4/21/09
It happened last week. I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business, doing my nurse thing. Suddenly, my heart started acting strange.
I thought it was PVC's, which I have occasionally, but it felt a little different. I took the stethoscope that was hanging around my neck and listened to my heart. Wow, I thought, that's pretty fast. As I counted the beats, I [...]
Rookie Wit & Wisdom
Joanna, BSN Student, 2/13/09
Related: Anger, Assertiveness, Attitude, Communication, Complaints, Doctor-Nurse Relationships, Doctors, Emotions, Expectations, Feedback, Feelings, Hostility, Non-Verbal Language, Respect, Student Nurse, Support
I am a 4th-year BSN student , and part of our OB clinical experience was to follow an OB/GYN last week. It was a horrible experience.
First, I was put in a room with 3rd-year med students, which was great because I introduced myself and got to chat with them about their program.
Then I waited over an hour for someone to acknowledge me. (I was escorted [...]
Seasoned with Sage
As Doctor Pru stood there reading the file her mouth turned down into a frown.
"Who triaged this patient?" She called out across the room to anyone who would pay her attention. Everyone ignored her except me. I knew whose file she had and I knew she'd make a fuss, not because there was a problem, but because she loved to pick faults and seemed to [...]
Rookie Wit & Wisdom
Rachel RN, 11/8/08
Related: Assertiveness, Authority, Boundaries, Communication, Confidence, Conflict, Feelings, Hostility, New Grad, New Nurse, Patients, PCT, Power, Professionalism, Respect, Stress
I am a brand-new nurse--just two weeks off orientation. I am 20 years old but look a few years younger. I have had issues with two PCTs who are probably in their 50s, and have worked together on my floor for about 30 years. I haven't had issues with any of the other PCTs.
One issue: They feel insulted if I ask them if they did [...]
Keeping your experience positive by what you say.
By Kim Rapper, RN
Related: Attitude, Gossip, Mindset, Motivation, New Grad, New Nurse, New Nurse Tips, Nurse Relationships, Orientee, Preceptor, Professionalism, Respect
Contrary to nursing legend, preceptors aren’t villains. They want you to succeed, and, if given the chance, could be your best advocate. After all, most of them have volunteered for the job or have been identified by their manager as the type of person who would be able to help you best. When preceptor-new nurse relationships get to the point of intervention, it’s not always [...]
Seasoned with Sage
Once upon a time—straight out of college—I suffered from Doctoritis. I blame it partly on my youth. But the rest of the blame lay with Dr. Steele.
You see, I was an impressionable young man and Dr. Steele had it all: he was 29, handsome, worked out at the gym and had the muscles to prove it. He also had every woman in the hospital in [...]
Seasoned with Sage
Rose Hollister, RealityRN Advisor 3/18/08
Schools are teaching it across the country: Character Counts. And traits like trustworthiness, caring, responsibility, and respect continue to count—and have far-reaching implications—when you become a professional.
Yet, we hear repeatedly from nurses on this site that nurses are bereft of respect.
Guess what? You need to stop pointing fingers. Creating a respectful working environment starts with you.
If I don’t act respectful towards other people, or if [...]
Nurse Relationships
A look at nurse-to-nurse hostility and why it occurs.
A Q&A with Kathleen Bartholomew, RN, MN, author of "Ending Nurse-to-Nurse Hostility: Why Nurses Eat Their Young and Each Other"
Related: Abuse, Authority, Boundaries, Communication, Conflict, Fear, Feelings, Gossip, Hostility, Morale, New Nurse, Non-Verbal Language, Nurse Relationships, Power, Professionalism, Respect, Sabotage, Seasoned Nurses, Support, Teamwork, Violence
A man walked past a few kids with a bucket of sea crabs. One of the crabs was crawling to the top of the bucket, so the man told the boys to get a lid. “Mister, you don’t know anything about crabs,” the boys said. “As soon as that crab gets to the top, the others will pull him right back down. Never fails.”
The expression [...]
Nurse Relationships
How to bring unity back to nursing.
By Kathleen Bartholomew, RN, MN, and author of "Ending Nurse-to-Nurse Hostility: Why Nurses Eat Their Young and Each Other"
Related: Abuse, Assertiveness, Communication, Compliments, Confidence, Conflict, Feelings, Gossip, Handmaidens, Hostility, Morale, New Nurse, Non-Verbal Language, Nurse Relationships, Nursing Shortage, Professionalism, Respect, Sabotage, Truth
What nurse hasn’t heard the phrase “Nurses eat their own.”? You’ve probably witnessed it at some point in your career. Or maybe you’ve personally experienced the burn of cattiness, gossip, condemning verbal attacks, or bullying.
Plain old meanness seems to pervade nursing, and you wonder, Is there anything I can really do about it?
Letting this behavior go on will progressively change nursing for the worse. We’re [...]