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Posts Tagged ‘Communication’
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Reality Unscripted

I hate conflict!  Doesn't matter who it's with or what the reason is, I just hate it.  It makes me uncomfortable and leaves me feeling agitated.  I tend to be more of a "flight" than "fight" kind of gal.

The thing is, conflict is a part of life. So we all have to learn how to deal with it.  It happens at home, at work, even [...]
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Rookie Wit & Wisdom

I have been a nurse for nine months and work in a busy ER outside of Washington DC. I often find myself dealing with "Frequent Flyers" and people who misuse the emergency system (i.e., I'm fairly certain the rash you've had for six months did not just today become an emergency).

I am really struggling with how to deal with some of these difficult patients. I [...]
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Rookie Wit & Wisdom

I am a 4th-year BSN student , and part of our OB clinical experience was to follow an OB/GYN last week.  It was a horrible experience.

First, I was put in a room with 3rd-year med students, which was great because I introduced myself and got to chat with them about their program.

Then I waited over an hour for someone to acknowledge me.  (I was escorted [...]
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Seasoned with Sage

I understand those of you who are worried about losing your license after a conviction-and wondering about how to appeal the board of nursing. I know what it is like to worry for months and months, because there are no clear cut answers out there.

I am an RN who has been licensed since 1990. In 2008 I got arrested for petite theft, a Class 2 [...]
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Reality Unscripted

I have a friend who told me a story the other day, and I wanted to share it with you.  It concerns confidentiality, but not in the way you might think.  You see, she was the one left out of the loop and it affected the way she cared for someone.  Let me know what you think.

She is a school nurse and meets weekly with [...]
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Some preceptors just don't get it right. They don't let you ask questions. They demean you. They don't provide you with adequate resources. Here preceptor Kim Rapper, RN, BSN, shares the signs of a preceptor who may be struggling to train you right.

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Rookie Wit & Wisdom

I am a brand-new nurse--just two weeks off orientation. I am 20 years old but look a few years younger. I have had issues with two PCTs who are probably in their 50s, and have worked together on my floor for about 30 years. I haven't had issues with any of the other PCTs.

One issue: They feel insulted if I ask them if they did [...]
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If you're tempted to ask for a new preceptor, watch this video first. Experienced preceptor Kim Rapper, RN, BSN, suggests you ask these questions to help you determine if you ought to persevere in the relationship or seek a preceptor who will equip you for your future.

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Managing Your Career
Advice from a nurse recruiter on the first 2 steps to landing your dream job.

Most new nurses spend countless hours gearing up for the interview. But really, the interview is just a fraction of the evaluation process. Before you even meet face-to-face with a potential employer, you must demonstrate through written communication— your application and resume—that you’re a competent professional.

Unfortunately, many new nurses skimp on this important phase of the job-acquisition process.

According to Carolyn Steffel, a nurse recruiter at [...]
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4 bits of advice before you ditch your preceptor.

Fight or flight. It’s the choice we’re given when faced with a difficult situation. When it comes to a failing precepting relationship, most new nurses choose the latter—and want to scrap their preceptor for a new-and-improved model. Kim Rapper, RN, BSN and a veteran preceptor, says to listen up: Your preceptor won’t be perfect, and you probably will have some conflicts. But that doesn’t mean [...]
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