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Posts Tagged ‘DUI’

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I can use all the advice I can get. I am in CA and just received information from the board to take disciplinary action on my license realted to a first time DUI last year. I am very concerned about what this will mean for working in the furture. I belong to a registry where I pick up extra shifts and was [...]
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I am a musician and work on a regular basis as one in PA where i live.
In March, after a gig (In my last semester) i was arrested for DUI. My attorney assures me that I will be getting the \"ARD\" program- this is an avenue whereby i get probation, a short DL suspension, take alcohol classes, eventually resulting in no record or conviction. Thank [...]
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Visitor Topics

Whether or not you have ever had any work related issues, a DUI conviction results in an accusation from the BRN and they attempt to impose very severe disciplinary action on your license, and presume that the licensee is in need of alcohol rehabilitation. If this has happened to you, stay calm and read very carefully the basis for the charges. Remember, they are not [...]
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Have waited out my 3-6 month wait u have to wait while being reviwed. I am there because my backround came back with a DWI back in 1995 when I was a dumb kid, got through that and all. then I got another DWI in 2004 which was dismissed also has a couple of warrents for outstanding tickets that I have since paid and got [...]
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2 years ago I got a DUI.

I am currently on monitorig with the board and recently passed my boards for RN. I have applied at hospitals, nursing homes, rehabs with no luck of getting hired because

1) I can't work nights;

2)I can't work per diem;

3) because I'm on monitoring!

I almost feel like giving up. There is so many stipulations to the boards monitoring I can't get [...]
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Visitor Topics

In January of this year (2009) I had a dui. I have had no other legal issues or arrests on my record in 27 years. (I did have a misdemeanor dui 27 years ago, long before I became a nurse.) I am very much afraid of what I am going to face as my license renewal is in December, and I have to self report [...]
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Will having a recent DUI affect me in getting my RN license or a job after graduation?

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Provocative Topics
The path to recovery for nurse addicts.

Addiction: it’s a moral issue, right? Whoever starts abusing a drug is a bad person, making a bad choice, and should be punished. At the very least, they should be able to quit on the spot.

But it’s not that simple. According to Dr. Linda Barile, APRN, and advocate for nurses who are addicts, we need to stop blaming them and instead support them through recovery.

Here [...]
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