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Posts Tagged ‘Abuse’

Visitor Topics

Hello All,
I am 26 years old when I was 19 I plead guilty to simple assault,that is the only thing on my record,the judge gave me 11/29 suspend sentenc due to good behavior,It has been 7 yrs.Contacted TN BON i spoke to a woman there and she told me since its been so long ago and i haven't been in any trouble since then ,that [...]
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Here is my two cent philosophy about the origin of stress in nursing, which causes nurses to abuse alcohol,food,illicit activities and drugs. Caring for other human beings is a privilege and a gift from God. Which I am grateful to do for over 20 years as an RN. I feel pride in the younger people who are excited about joining the profession because they see [...]
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Seasoned with Sage

I'm a school nurse; I left the ER behind: the stress, the shift work, the adrenaline. Now I work in an exclusive private boarding school in the European Alps. Naturally, like most affluent kids, they don't know how lucky they are.

One of the students told me the other day she wants to be a nurse. I asked her why, and she said she thought I [...]
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Nurse Relationships
A look at nurse-to-nurse hostility and why it occurs.

A man walked past a few kids with a bucket of sea crabs. One of the crabs was crawling to the top of the bucket, so the man told the boys to get a lid. “Mister, you don’t know anything about crabs,” the boys said. “As soon as that crab gets to the top, the others will pull him right back down. Never fails.”

The expression [...]
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Nurse Relationships
How to bring unity back to nursing.

What nurse hasn’t heard the phrase “Nurses eat their own.”? You’ve probably witnessed it at some point in your career. Or maybe you’ve personally experienced the burn of cattiness, gossip, condemning verbal attacks, or bullying.

Plain old meanness seems to pervade nursing, and you wonder, Is there anything I can really do about it?

Letting this behavior go on will progressively change nursing for the worse. We’re [...]
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Rookie Wit & Wisdom

I work in a small ICU setting, and we have problems with confused patients who try to leave and become violent when you try to block the hallway and redirect them.

I've had a patient's husband swing his walker at a coworker who told him visiting hours were over. I've been scratched, bit, have bruises on my arms right now from patients. I've had [...]
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Rookie Wit & Wisdom

Recently, a doctor who left our staff for another job rejoined us. We were told that he left the other job because someone filed sexual harassment suit against him.

At first, I thought it was just rumor. I knew he was a “close talker” and “close toucher,” but I didn’t think that meant he was a harasser.

As time went on, though, I began to question his [...]
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Provocative Topics
The path to recovery for nurse addicts.

Addiction: it’s a moral issue, right? Whoever starts abusing a drug is a bad person, making a bad choice, and should be punished. At the very least, they should be able to quit on the spot.

But it’s not that simple. According to Dr. Linda Barile, APRN, and advocate for nurses who are addicts, we need to stop blaming them and instead support them through recovery.

Here [...]
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Nurse Relationships
Nurses must confront workplace abuse.

The new nurse was doing the best she could. But it wasn’t fast enough for the emergency room doctor. As the doctor struggled to triage the patient, he became more and more agitated. Finally, he yelled and threw a bloody sponge at the nurse—right in the middle of a procedure.

When physical and verbal abuse takes place in the workplace, immediate action should be taken. But [...]
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Reality Unscripted

Just the other day, a surgical nurse, nine months out of nursing school, wrote me,

"Not long ago, after a difficult surgery in which the patient died, the surgeon started swearing at me, as if it were my fault. I know this sounds crazy, but he kicked me. Yep, with his foot. I hesitate to report him. What should I do?"

Now, in my 24 years of [...]
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