Posts Tagged ‘Night Shift’
Visitor Topics
I was recently hired into MSICU. I am very excited, but also scared to death. I do not have hospital experience, other than my nursing school clinicals. I am not quite brand spanking new, I have 6 months nursing experience in subacute/rehab and LTAC. With that being said, to get the most out of my 1st new hospital position, what shift [...]
Rookie Wit & Wisdom
Cardiac RN
Related: Balance, Caregiving, Compassion Fatigue, Critical Care Nursing, Energy, Healthy Living, New Nurse, Night Shift, Nursing Shortage, Stress, Support
I am a nurse on a cardiovascular floor. I have been there for a couple of years and can't help but notice the increasing acuity of the patients.
Our nurse/patient ratio is 1:5/6. I know that doesn't sound like a lot to some people, but most of the patients we take care of have a list 20 miles long of medical conditions, which only adds to [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 3/9/09
Related: Attitude, Career, Expectations, Job Search, Learning, NCLEX, New Grad, New Nurse, New Nurse Tips, Night Shift, Nursing Jobs, Resume
You've worked hard. Stayed up night after night studying. Suffered through exhausting clinicals. Missed out on time with friends and family. Shoved thousands of facts into a weary brain. Now all you want is to put all your new-found knowledge to work. Get out there into the workplace and do your thing. You're confident. You're prepared. You're ready.
You start pounding the pavement. Sending out resumes. [...]
Rookie Wit & Wisdom
Erica Amason, RN
Bad days. Everyone has them. Coming from an emotional female, I would know! I have had MANY nights at work when I just didn't want to be there!
It wasn't until I worked all night with any EXTREMELY agitated RN that I realized how MY bad mood affects everyone I work with.
It was so contagious! I came in to work in the ICU that night in [...]
Managing Your Career
Author Donna Cardillo, RN, MA, on why you may be unable to find a hospital job—and what to do about it.
Related: Career, Interview, Job Search, Networking, New Grad, New Nurse, New Nurse Tips, Night Shift, Nurse History, Nursing Associations, Nursing Jobs, Nursing Shortage, Nursing Trends, Resume
RealityRN member Auntymai writes, “I haven't been able to find a nursing job and the situation doesn't look good. I've been in contact with my professors at school, and I've been told that the new graduates are not able to find jobs either,”
It’s a sentiment voiced repeatedly by our RealityRN community—and the phenomenon is perplexing. After all, nursing students have been told there’s a nursing [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana, RN
Christmas 1983. I was finishing orientation at my first hospital job and had to spend two weeks working pm's before going on permanent nights. I can't say I was looking forward to giving up every evening over the holidays as the rest of the world partied.
On one of my first evenings, a teenager, a senior in high school, was admitted after a sledding [...]
Rookie Wit & Wisdom
Susan RN, 12/4/07
The seasoned nurses on my floor have called me a complaining, spoiled brat.
Okay, maybe I complained.
I guess I felt justified. Just out of nursing school, I suddenly was working nights, weekends, holidays--all the hard shifts. I wasn’t used to not being able to spend “normal” time with my friends and family; it was a difficult transition.
When I expressed my frustration--said something like, “I’m tired,” or [...]
Reality Unscripted
by Jana Goetz, RN, BSN, Managing Editor of RealityRN
I’m not sure you can make nights fit with the rest of your life.
“I love the idea of working nights—the pace is great,” writes a recent grad. “But it’s wreaking havoc on my personal life. Working three 12-hour nights and then having four days off sounds great. In reality, I’m always exhausted. How do I make nights fit in with the rest of [...]
Handling Stress
Advice for the nurse on nights.
By Kathleen Ward
Nights: You either loathe them or love them. But as a new nurse you usually don’t get to choose your ideal shift. Nights are often all that’s available. And either you adjust, or you don’t.
Melissa Granger, an oncology nurse at Elmhurst Memorial Hospital in Elmhurst, Illinois, was “on the brink of depression” because she couldn’t handle nights when she first graduated.
But Christy James, a labor [...]