Posts Tagged ‘Organizational Skills’
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 5/18/09
Do you ever feel overwhelmed?
Like you're trying to move forward with something but you're walking through deep, thick mud. You have some task in front of you (like writing a blog post) and you just can't seem to get it done.
I'm just coming out of a period of time where my whole life felt that way. I couldn't seem to keep my house clean, couldn't [...]
Seasoned with Sage
By Connie Curran RN, 1/25/09
Nurses may not feel well paid all the time, but a few simple strategies can turn even the most meager salary into actual wealth-and help you survive tough economic times now and in the future.
The first step is to take advantage of your 401(k) or another retirement fund. Most employers will match up to 3 percent of your salary in a 401(k), but if you [...]
Visitor Topics
Related: Expectations, Failure, Goals, New Grad, New Nurse, Nurse Resident Programs, Organizational Skills, Orientee, Preceptor, Residency, Stress
I graduated in June, got married in July, moved in July and decided to wait a little while until finally starting a new job in Dec. I found a residency in an ER thats really close to my house, and I was really excited. However now that I've been there for 4 weeks, I'm feeling sooooo overwhelmed. The first week and a [...]
Interacting With Patients
It’s not quantity, it’s quality.
Interview with Donna Cardillo, RN, MA, author of "Your First Year as a Nurse"
Related: Balance, Caregivers, Caring, Charting, Expectations, Mindset, Morale, New Grad, New Nurse, New Nurse Tips, Organizational Skills, Patient Advocate, Patients, Prioritizing, Professionalism
As a new nurse, your goal is to make a difference. You want to heal people. You want to engage with patients, communicating to them your professionalism and that you care. But countless tasks and a steep learning curve may prevent you from the patient interaction you were expecting. According to Donna Cardillo, considered to be the “guru of career development” for new nurses, this [...]
Reality Unscripted
Jana RN, 11/13/07
I spent the better part of this afternoon helping my 9-year-old clean her room.
The term "pig sty" is fitting. She has avoided the task for weeks because it was simply overwhelming. I would have yelled more were I able to walk through the garage or guest room. The apple did not fall far from the disorganized tree.
Throughout the day, Kira kept saying, "This is so [...]
Reality Unscripted
by Jana Goetz, RN, BSN, Managing Editor of RealityRN
It takes time to look like you have it all together.
“I’m frustrated as I watch the more seasoned nurses find time to take breaks and read magazines,” writes a new nurse, “while I can’t even find time to take a bathroom break. They appear to have it all together, but I never seem to get all my charts and reports updated before the next [...]