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Posts Tagged ‘Violence’

Visitor Topics

Hi. I currently live in the state of Wisconsin. My husband and I have been having marital problems. I was assaulted by him last year in September, this year I assaulted him. I am afraid I will lose my state licensure. Do you have any information or answers for me? Thank you.
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Nurse Relationships
A look at nurse-to-nurse hostility and why it occurs.

A man walked past a few kids with a bucket of sea crabs. One of the crabs was crawling to the top of the bucket, so the man told the boys to get a lid. “Mister, you don’t know anything about crabs,” the boys said. “As soon as that crab gets to the top, the others will pull him right back down. Never fails.”

The expression [...]
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Rookie Wit & Wisdom

I work in a small ICU setting, and we have problems with confused patients who try to leave and become violent when you try to block the hallway and redirect them.

I've had a patient's husband swing his walker at a coworker who told him visiting hours were over. I've been scratched, bit, have bruises on my arms right now from patients. I've had [...]
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Reality Unscripted

Just the other day, a surgical nurse, nine months out of nursing school, wrote me,

"Not long ago, after a difficult surgery in which the patient died, the surgeon started swearing at me, as if it were my fault. I know this sounds crazy, but he kicked me. Yep, with his foot. I hesitate to report him. What should I do?"

Now, in my 24 years of [...]
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